Cadence Cutie Mark
Not rated

By alexbiri
08/05/2014 - 21:04:17

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.27 (Not rated)
Tags: brony, cadence, cutie mark, cutiemark, empire, ga, gaprop, heart, love, mlp, my little pony, princess, show-off, statue, you'll play your part


Princess of the new toy, his cutiemark is about a fancy crystal heart.She is princess Mi Amore Cadenza,conveniently married with twilight's brother, fillysitter and... princess... royal guards and stuff... because that is totally a coincidence.


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By wolababy

Very Cadence. Much cutiemark. So Brony. Wow

By wolababy

Yeah, I have an account on the Sporum. I haven't really used it that much though.

By Raritia

And I have no plans to create an adventure, at least for now. I'm not even sure if I'll stick around Spore for long either. I should rather get back to practicing my drawing skills, but I'm lazy :P

By Raritia

I'm on Sporum every once in a while, not really interested in it though. I already checked your dA, I have one too, although it's MLP only (and pretty much empty atm)

By Raritia

Just checked out both of your MLP "adventures" (art rather :P) They're awesome! I hope you'll make more :D

By Raritia

Not yet, I've not even opened Spore yet. It's in my sporecast though so it should show up in my game pretty quickly once I play :P If not, I'll just use the adventure mode.

By Raritia

Not quite, I just returned from a hiatus and decided that the first thing I do is to update my sporecast.

By Raritia

Awesome! r+ and sporecasted :D

By elvipresli

hey alex puoi accettarmi nel gruppo su fb? sono una povera sfigata senza immagini particolari xD

By elvipresli

Ok allora poi mi informo meglio su questa cosa. Il fatto più strano però è che le creazioni me le da come condivise, anche se altri giocatori non le vedono, quindi è anche più complicato ricondividerle. Grazie lo stesso per l'info :D

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