It happened again! O_O
Not rated

By B3ckiib00
07/08/2014 - 17:49:57

Type: Colonial land vehicle
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Tags: 019283, credit to 019283, gaprop, gift


Wisdom: SHE'S A GLITCH!!!
Kaida: o_o


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By 019283

Sorry I'm being so slow, I have friends over :P

By B3ckiib00

It's weird, i know! o______o

By Clumpy10

This is bizzare to me never heard that glitch. o_O

By Clumpy10

Ya I knew you'd know I'm a girl. XD

By 019283

Wow, that's really weird :/ It's never happened to me, but I can see how it might be useful... >:)

By B3ckiib00

@019283: It was a glitch, i was just trying to load Kaida's head, then that happened... I was a bit confused although this happened once or twice before... :/

By 019283

Yea, sure.

By 019283

Internet seems to be stable for now. You on?

By DragonLover3366

u on?

By DragonLover3366

lol wat? o.o

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