Soul Uplink

By nogoodnames
05/27/2014 - 03:28:25

Type: City Hall building
Rating: 2.5 (Good)
Tags: nogoodnames, xandor


These uplinks form the centre of Xandor life. They connect directly to the Eternity Matrix, an enourmous supercomputer built from what was once the moon of the Xandor homeworld. When not working, the Xandor upload their consciousnesses to the Matrix where their minds can experience any simulated reality they desire. Xandor never truly die, for even if their bodies are destroyed backups of their minds remain in the Matrix, ready to be given a new body or to live out a virtual afterlife. All Xandor have been preserved in this way since the time of the Great Unity, some of them thousands of years old.


By thomasmarkus

A moon transformed into a supercomputer? Very interesting! You build a fantastic object here. Great!

By krcmar

Great detailing here, I also like the concept of living a virtual afterlife

By Cass01

Thanks for comment on Harpy copter, I must fixed it and repost it , becuase I gave it wrong number, so you will not see comment in the creation window - I'm sorry.

By PeaceMaker_RP

I've seen people who can build sir but they're stuff isn't nearly as awesome or interesting to read about.

By Hilight

Well done with an interesting description R+


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