Bithlorian Array
Not rated

By Mushroomking1
04/21/2014 - 01:06:58
Type: Entertainment building
Rating: 0.05 (Not rated)
Tags: alien, antenna, array, city, communication, factory, floating, future, futuristic, mk1, mkbuildings, mushroomking1, set:bithlorian, tank
-Part of the Bithlorian set
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By QueenBeth
Another fabulous series. You are amazing!
By Ecko0IXth
Little floaty thing! ^^ I upvoted the whole set!
By Monckat
I love the metallic texture you're using for windows and tech details, that alien radar dish is awesome!
By killamonjaromon
these creations ae amazing - as always. I never have any idea how you make these things.
By Paaschee
very nice man! :D R