
By VSangel
03/25/2014 - 01:49:45

Type: Creature
Rating: 3 (Good)
Tags: made by vsangel


for a GA i'm making
Tiny's sister (Would tattle tale to their parents if she found out he is bff with a wolf) again, she is a mix between the 2 parents.


DNA points
65 Bones4 Feet0 Hands
Diet: Carnivore
Health: +3
15 %
47.51 %
10 / 20
4 / 20
4 / 15
2 / 54 / 50 / 5
3 / 50 / 54 / 5
5 / 50 / 50 / 5
0 / 50 / 5

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By Spudorama

Its okay if no, but I was wondering if I could help out with the Frenemies series? Its awesome, even in the very first few episodes. So could I? ( If you don't want me to, just say no. )

By Makayla00

hehehe the eyeball was so much fun! but my friend almost vomited when it popped XD wish i could send you pictures....

By Makayla00

I've come home froms school early because I hurt my foot -_- hehe and you'll find out! Yeah I wish i could I snap my fingers and Frenemies would come out! :D

By Makayla00

oh i'm sorry i have to go :( school... awesome, but AT LEAST WE GET TO DISECT AN EYEBALL!!!! :D

By Makayla00

XD lol yeah u have to look up at the rocks above your head... it's the front picture thingy ma bob :P yeah sometimes i'm just such a creepy weirdo!

By Makayla00

well take ur time, I don't want you to rush. It will be amazing when it comes!!!

By Makayla00

Yeah sometimes I creep myself out XD did you notice the black wolf on the rocks in the last act? O_o creeeeeeepy staaaaaalker XD

By Makayla00

XD I'm glad you liked it! and that would be awesome if we do end up making one together :O how is Frenemies coming along? Can't wait for it ^_^

By Makayla00

when we're older that is ^_^ i could help draw some of the chars if you wanted, it's up to you really... anyway that's not until a looooong time XD

By Makayla00

XD lol i'm sure your a great singer! unlike me, i have to give everyone ear plugs i not i'm so terrible i burst their ear drums and send em deaf! haha... if you make game i'd play it :D maybe we could work on one together!

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