Not rated

By sweetcat1129
01/16/2014 - 01:42:36
Type: Spaceship
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Tags: templete by clumpy10
Shadow is a mysterus wolf that started romeing the vally.Shadow was once part part of the 6 accent wolfs long ago he may not know in its his new life but he has a responsabillty larger then life
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By 42ndDevistation
Anyway. Wolf has a daughter. He and Valarie ( While they were still at Fort Hood ) had one and Wolf hasn't mentioned her, since she's with Valarie at Harlem City. =)
By 42ndDevistation
Now ya get it. =D Well done! Gold star for you. ^^
By 42ndDevistation
Lucky! I have school Friday, but not Monday. There's a 2hr delay on Tuesday though. =)
By 42ndDevistation
By 42ndDevistation
Flow is a mirrored version of Wolf but mirrored. here: floW
By 42ndDevistation
Look at Flow backwards.
By 42ndDevistation
lol actually. That isn't it. XD
By 42ndDevistation
lol you have Friday and Monday and then what? No school? F)