Moonlight s reaction to wolfs
Not rated

By sweetcat1129
01/16/2014 - 01:01:56

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: kind of lonely, misses wolf, moonlight, sad



Moonlight:Oh why!Who did this!*crys* *sniff* *sniff* I will always miss him!He was my best friend after My mom and dad left me.I know i have Hurceices but wolf i dont know what ill do without him!


By 42ndDevistation

hey, if you have the chance, read my creation " Breaking News " to see what REALLY happened to Wolf. It's sad, but Moonlight got to see him for the last time too.

By 42ndDevistation

Are you still on?

By 42ndDevistation

Me: * cries * Wolf's in a better place Moonlight. He's probably looking down at you all right now smiling. l=')


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