ZGQC Gangfangkongpaoche-1
Not rated

By Lintuperhonen
11/16/2013 - 22:11:19

Type: Military land vehicle
Rating: 0.01 (Not rated)
Tags: bing, china, cing, da, dai, daicingdiguoh, daqingdiguo, di, guo, guoh, manchu, qing, ren, wwi, zhongguo, zhongguoh


Even though the Qing armies were expecting to achieve air superiority over Siberia, as the Czarist air force was nearly non-existant east of Ural, random air raids were still possible. Therefore, a modified KPC-1 was produced with a twin 2/3 Cun AA-gun.


By Homer-dude2

Once more; The fabricants of a WWI period probably had no idea that slapping some AA-cannons onto a tank platform would create a very effective SPAAG, but I must say, I do like these AA guns :D


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