Green pie soup

By Ansje
07/01/2013 - 05:13:50

Type: City Hall building
Rating: 2.46 (Good)
Tags: "erwtensoep", "special recipe", ansje, cook, gaprop, pot, soup


Shared on request: a thick Dutch soup made out of green pies, saucages and a lot of other ingredients.


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By Duhplantman

They can have the spot light I just want to work the curtains. ;P Curtains for everyone! ROFL.

By JamesV00

Mmm... sounds delicious

By Duhplantman

Well...not all is how it should be...alas we will find normality without asking permission any longer.

By -v-odDiVerse-v-

My latest goal as far as actually playing the game is to conquer Grox space using game after game of taking their systems with the Staff Of Life. Already got started. Thinking an unlocked achievement just for personal satisfaction and brag-ability. lol

By -v-odDiVerse-v-

These days I am mostly immersed in my music and SecondLife.com existence (virtual world) where I play my guitar and sing my songs for people around the world. It is possible to create things in there as well as sell them or buy others. Not for everyone. ?

By -v-odDiVerse-v-

Thank you Ansje. As for me, not looking for anything here and have already got myself caught up in matter of Spore that I thought would have died a year ago at least. AbbyodDi and I still like to play and play we do. Just wanted to say hi and how ya do.

By DH106

A pity considering what once was, but likely just what has to happen to a 5 years old game with no more official support.

By DH106

Ansje - you are completely right; were this game human, it would be on the intensive care with rapidly progressing organ failure but noone around to pull the plug.

By Ansje

cont.: failing search engines, 404 errors, and so on.

By Ansje

@ odDballL: this simply isn't the place anymore of long time ago and my personal opnion is, that EA should have closed the servers for this game in stead of having us struggle with server problems, a Sporum that was out of order for two months...

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