Promethean Infiltration
Not rated

By Chaikorizy
06/09/2013 - 20:44:58
Type: No genre adventure
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
This mission is to find Borgerian Intel without being caught. Good luck!

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By Dark-Sajuuk
The adventure is about locating a artifact of Sajuuk, but there is a second reason the planet Fornax was home to a secret Progenitor Project known as the Fornax Project, records of it were lost though.
By Dark-Sajuuk
Oh well, anywho I'm working on a new Adventure that takes place on the once great planet Fornax, a old once great progenitor held planet that is now a volcanic wastland due to its star going nova.
By Dark-Sajuuk
honestly I don't know what to suggest.
By Dark-Sajuuk
Well now I can see the problem, and its a problem i have all the time and its with interiors, the thing about interiors is creatures tend to not work right in them, don't ask me why they just don't.