Question N' Answer Corner
Not rated

By coolgod107
06/08/2013 - 00:15:02

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: acualtags, answers, comments, gaprop, questions, section, users


Scince many of you have questions involving me or what it is that I'm doing, this creation was born! Just ask any questions you have here, and I'll be sure to respond here, NOT somewhere on your creations!


By puma7372

Have YOU any requests for ME? I've really not got a lot going on here in Spore down under so...

By puma7372

Um...good question. I'll get back to you on requests. On another note, I've created an advert for you underappreciated creators! Check my page!

By puma7372

In return I will spread the word about you.

By puma7372

Yes, I would like you to do it.

By coolgod107

...Because It's a pain to have to download a creation of yours in order to reply.


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