Not rated


By Jibrig
06/02/2013 - 05:02:20

Type: Spaceship
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Tags: cotton, freddy, galacticadventures, mittens, pat1196, preview, sovester, tuckermeows(c), tuckerzombies


It's closer than you think...
credit goes to pat1196


By Tenguman

Absolutely love the design of this.

By Pat1196

Be sure to keep making those walls and parts of the buldings gates disguised as buildings or the zombies will get confused while running around.

By Pat1196

Be sure to add open fields as well for running laps, etc. Plus, it always makes the map appear larger than it actually is.

By Pat1196

't wait to edit it! Have you placed in the frozen pools yet?

By Pat1196

Holy hell do those pics look awesome... Can

By Pat1196

Awesome! I've just finished the four heros in Aftermath as well. That zombie that I published will be like the one that I made for your map, which are blind yet super-powerful, however, they are able to charge.

By Pat1196

Well, that is, when it's finished.

By Pat1196

Awesome! Maybe you can do the perk placement so I can take a look at it :D


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