Artistic Residence
Not rated
By Phlairman
05/04/2013 - 21:20:22
Type: House building
Rating: 0.6 (Not rated)
Tags: phlairman, set:artistic
Part of a building set I never finished back in '11.
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By Phlairman
05/04/2013 - 21:20:22
Type: House building
Rating: 0.6 (Not rated)
Tags: phlairman, set:artistic
Part of a building set I never finished back in '11.
By Monckat
Cool! I would not mind living here, very colorful!
By Salooverall
Beautiful work, great idea for a set! Gotta love all the colors x3
By Salooverall
Thanks, ah dayum, bad graphics, know all about it.. my graphics card is actually to bad for playing Spore, so I see this really ugly blocky edges on a lot of stuff ingame..
By Duhplantman