Not rated

By Lintuperhonen
04/20/2013 - 19:55:24

Type: Military land vehicle
Rating: 1.88 (Not rated)
Tags: bing, china, cing, da, dai, daicingdiguoh, daqingdiguo, di, guo, guoh, manchu, qing, ren, wwi, zhongguo, zhongguoh


A modernised Hwacha, which fired 105 rockets of a calibre of 1 Chi to a range of 30 li. Firing


By Lintuperhonen

Well, one of China's most loyal satellites used a similar weapon to great effect against invading "little pirates" in the late 16th century...

By DH106

Why am I not surprised that the Chinese would use a thing like this? R+.

By Lintuperhonen

One Cùn is roughly 32 millimetres.

By SamRupert

What's the conversion to standard or metric?

By Lintuperhonen

The calibre should be 1 Cun, not 1 Chi.


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