Not rated
By Lintuperhonen
04/20/2013 - 18:27:12
Type: Military air vehicle
Rating: 0.68 (Not rated)
Tags: bing, china, cing, da, dai, daicingdiguoh, daqingdiguo, di, guo, guoh, manchu, qing, ren, wwi, zhongguo, zhongguoh
After several experiments on different configurations, the aircraft engineers of Tsinghua university settled on a canard-biplane with a bamboo-construction, a 400 hp V-12 engine, tricycle undercariage and 2 1/3 Chi MGs and a 2/3 Chi cannon.
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By DH106
Interesting concept - looks indeed like a 1930s experimental fighter. It has a bit of FW and MiG in it. R+.
By _Cepholapoid_
Very nice design, reminds of some German and Russian designs. R+