Not rated

By edmundpjc
04/03/2013 - 08:44:47

Type: Creature
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Tags: dinosaur, diplodocoid, edmundpjc, jurassic, prehistoric, saurischia, sauropod, when dinosaurs roamed america


(2013 remake) Apatosaurus is more popular of the dinosaurs found in the USA, thanks to the invalid name "Brontosaurus", which have been used a lot of times even after that name was abandoned in scientific use. Around 23m long and weighing at least 16 metric tons, Apatosaurus was one of the largest animals that have existed in the Jurassic period. Although Apatosaurus is more related to Diplodocus and both looked similar, there are differences that helped scientists identify Apatosaurus easily. The neck vertebrae were less elongated and more heavily constructed than those of Diplodocus and the bones of the leg were much stockier (despite being longer), implying a more robust animal. The tail is held above the ground during normal locomotion, and is whip-like to deter enemies like Allosaurus. Like most sauropods, Apatosaurus had only a single large claw on each forelimb, with the first three toes on the hind limb possessing claws. Like Diplodocus however, Apatosaurus is probably a ground-height non-fussy browser, due to the square snout it has (unless if they want to browse tall trees, they could stand on their hind legs with their necks probing the vegetation). [Please ask permission first if you want this item. If you steal, you'll be regarded as OFFENSIVE]


DNA points
50 Bones4 Feet0 Hands
Diet: Herbivore
Health: +3
35 %
29.17 %
6 / 20
6 / 20
1 / 15
4 / 52 / 50 / 5
0 / 52 / 51 / 5
2 / 52 / 50 / 5
0 / 50 / 5


is this part of the next Spore Dinosaur Showcase?

By snootoots

I can't find your therizinosaur us. Nice apato though!

By ChrisM1994

Thats Is Cool Edmund And By The Way How Is Your School Semester Last Night I Hope You Did Ok From It

By ZeWqt

This kind of feet is a bit hard to make, but the result is great! Something funny, you reversed the knees of your Apatosaur!

By Dinosauraptor900

Very epic!

By Albertosaurus99


By edmundpjc

New Apatosaurus! I could thank ZeWqt for the leg designs since they're more accurate than the actual feet. Apatosaurus from When Dinosaurs Roamed America.


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