Battle Royale (Murfnator)
Not rated


By Jaserk
12/15/2012 - 17:25:08

Type: Explore adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: battle, excitement, murfnator, random, tournament, victory


Welcome back to Battle Royale! Today's topic is Murfnator, an avid Spore user and a big supporter of mine. Don't forget to add him as a buddy.



By Sam0208

Its really great!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By Murfnator

Wow, amazing! Its really cool to see creations that I probley would never use again, in a battle! My computer was glitching at the moment, so my play was not counted. BUT, on spore.com i gave it a thumbs up! Just awesome adventure!

By Murfnator

Wow, thanks for the adverrtisment of me. Im sure to play this!


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