ANV AC-0001 Gunna-Fores


By noname117
12/02/2012 - 15:44:21

Type: Military water vehicle
Rating: 5.45 (Good)
Tags: aircraft carrier, algonia, noname117, picwarvi


The first carrier built in Algonia, the Gunna-Fores was based off the Scaamantle and is capable of around 60 aircraft. 3 more ships of the class were built.


By ducebox

btw love the carrier. very flat top looking, yet it still has a bridge.

By ducebox

yeah i try to go for WWI or pre-WWI looks. i feel like those ships just have more of an interesting shape and look to them, like floating castles.

By ducebox

no problem, when i make my ships i often look at yours and Cepholapoid's for inspiration.

By mmaks2008

AMAZING just amazing I love it it is so amazing...I think I used that word too much. but seriously it is realy cool

By noname117

Nope, the veiring window is in fact in the lower bow hull, not the mast

By _Cepholapoid_

Is it backwards though?

By _Cepholapoid_

Interesting design, kind of Japanese ish, r+


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