Sleepwell Island 3- Part 26
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By ack2010
11/21/2012 - 19:10:03
Type: Story adventure
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Tags: by ack2010
The time has finally come, Roc and his friends arrive at Sleepwell Kingdom! The battle with Callious awaits... But! The castle isn't left defenseless... And sadly those defenses take the life of a certain lady.

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By Earth247
I'll play it later though. I'm kinda thinking that I should finish up another part of my own series right about now. (since I haven't been on for the past thousand years :P)
By Earth247
...underneath the box where the space scene is supposed to play.
By Earth247
Well, the only thing that was replaced was Wounded Muunon, but I also found another problem. In the beginning, the characters are too close to the captain, and if I reposition them and try to play, Roc, Harmony, and Omen will appear in the lake...
By Apollo9898
Hm, I figured that Roc would be unable to defeat Tin Man, and the Devourer would come and rip it to shreads. Anyway, this ending is good anyway.
By Apollo9898
this is also counted as banned, so unless you upload it you will get no plays or ratings since we have to play it in editor. :(
By realavyfry
so munnon is dead.
By ack2010
see, you never see these things in the editor. >:V
By ack2010
and the castle area is REALLY glitchy, as a friend of mine pointed out.
By ack2010
alright, so you need to play this in editor as this is banned. Sorry guys.
By Huwwilliams
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