Not rated

By scartalon1999
10/20/2012 - 23:04:01

Type: Creature
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Tags: (see my comments for more info)


A failed atempt by the Tak'unnan Empire to create the "perfect weapon". Dispete being quite strong and agile, its lack of protection and sight caused the TS-045 project to shut down.


DNA points
62 Bones2 Feet2 Hands
Diet: Carnivore
Health: +5
41 %
18.42 %
1 / 20
13 / 20
7 / 15
1 / 55 / 50 / 5
0 / 53 / 53 / 5
0 / 55 / 54 / 5
0 / 50 / 5

By scartalon1999

Curently, no information can be found on the whereabouts of Reion.

By scartalon1999

The scientists orginally made about 5 TS-045s but most of them died, but one. The first one. Information on this monster was the only research the scientists could gather on the TS-045. It was dubbed the name Reion (Ri-non) (means survivor in Tak'unnan)

By scartalon1999

It's odd tail and large feet allow the creture to jump very high. Along with its hooked, sharp claws, the TS-045 can easily scale a large building. (this was unknown to the scientists on the TS-045 project)

By scartalon1999

It is often found crouching on the ground, hands spread out to find any movment. If it hears nothing, it'll move on. The undevelopved wing bones (in a failed atempt to give the creature the ability to fly) can be used to grab things and slice them to bits

By scartalon1999

Because the TS-045 has no eyes, its hearing, smelling and feeling senses are hightened. The tubes that rise from it's back serve as a way to smell and hear. Even the slightest sound could catch the beast's attention.

By scartalon1999

Due it's lack of skin, this cretures bones and muscular tissue can easily be seen. Its bone and muscle tissue is very strong, easily deflecting any bullet. This was not known to the scientists assigned to the TS-045 project.

By scartalon1999

They are prone to violence. Even the slightest sign of agression can cause them to go on a killing spree, brutally murdering anyone around it until it gets tired. Its two hearts found by its shoulders and rib cage are its only weakness.


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