Emily's playground
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By Ansje
10/06/2012 - 21:34:14
Type: House building
Rating: 0.44 (Not rated)
Tags: "gorygruesomehalloween2012", ansje, emily, playground
Made for the Gory and Gruesome Halloween contest and inspired by the funny, creepy animation short "Emily".
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By Duhplantman
This looks like something I would make lol. I guess that is why I like it so much lol.
By Duhplantman
My bet is that when things get back to normal the rug will be pulled out...Oldest trick in the book. My hope is that they will be pulled in through their black hole of a heart first.
By techno605
Creative as always:)
By Duhplantman
By WideWonder
Oh Gosh... what a great creation!! So much detail, so many different features... ALL made in the Building Editor!
By DH106
This would indeed cater to the slightly suicidal tendencies present in every kid... R+.
By Ritafeet
This is awesome!! :D Great entry!! Good luck!! :D
By 0salishan
Definitely creepy and gruesome. It almost makes it more so with the cute flowery touches. That open door is saying "welcome, come in".
By MadEyeJude
ooohh yes, tha's probably right from emily's kindergarden :D Love those creepy big eyes and the monsters tongue :) Creepy but also makes me smile!
By Duhplantman
You can really see the forest for the trees here.
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