For Exxon
Not rated

By DH106
09/05/2012 - 10:53:45

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.61 (Not rated)
Tags: dh106, exxon, nuclear bomber


Here is a little spaceship for You - I tried to keep with the theme set by You in Your gift. This little single-seated craft is the space equivalent of a WW2 torpedo bomber - it delivers a planet-destroying self propelled bomb and then tries to escape.


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By krcmar

Thnx for the comment :3 @tour comment: I know I was going for something like that :p

By warwolf47

( the escaping again bit might have a few teensy probs from a planet buster with debris flying in all directions) BUT the concept is spot-on- Cheers

By Homer-dude2

Ich denke mal,du hast kein Steam oder?

By Homer-dude2

Sehr schöner Weltraumtarnanstrich.Innovatives und interassentes Konzept,so nebenbei :)

By exxon

This reminds me of an old sci-fi movie called Darkstar. The ship dropped devastating bombs to wipe out any life ahead of mankind's advance through space.

By sarcosuchus

Hey dude... remember me? I'm done with spore but I think about our conversations a lot. We had a good run but it's time for me to put it to rest. I hope to return... but I doubt I can. Goodbye.

By exxon

Thank you for this impressive bomber. The bomb is bigger than the spacecraft!
Interesting paint job too!

By Blemo71797

Blemo has returned

By DNFTT2011

You should get paided to create vehicles.Since you do such great work.R^^

By krcmar

well the bomb looks big enough

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