Ice Cream Snack for Gillian
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08/10/2012 - 12:53:30
Type: House building
Rating: 1.08 (Not rated)
Tags: excalibur
As requested by Gillian, a chocolate, vanilla, strawberry Ice Cream Snack with chocolate syrup and cherries. I also added a big spoon of whipped cream as an extra treat! Nom nom nom! Eat it before it melts! :D
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By Castor1527
VERY CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By 13Jabberwock31
My mouth's watering from just reading the description, EXCALlBUR!! This ice cream snack just looks so delicious! I hope Gillian managed to enjoy it before it melted! Rated ?! Lo?!
By 13Jabberwock31
It's great that you're learning Karate and Judo. Then you'll be able to defend yourself if you need to. :D
By MediaCircus
I like your food products a lot.
By krakra79
We in Norway and nearly the rest of Europe call it kebab. We in Norway eat it with fork. ;)
By krakra79
kebab? well.... Kebeb is mostly eaten with stick not fork(as we do in Nor) It is hard to explain, You should google it if you don't know.
By DelPinno
I very much like this ice cream creation. Nice cherries on top also.
By Jammo200
I'll make you a snack gift.
By dbtracerbullet
You know how hyper caffine makes you, kid.
By brittbritt2000
its from madagascar 3. ouo
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