READ please ;3

By Alchemilla1
08/04/2012 - 22:49:33

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 2.93 (Good)
Tags: alchemilla1, kaharu


I know it's been months.....I don't know how many people have unsubscribed me. XD But anyway, I'm sorry for the long absense on here...mainly because I really like drawing digitally a lot, and I'm almost always on deviantART now. :P
(Continued in Comments)


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By JaguarGirl1


By JaguarGirl1

I'm on DA quite a lot, but it glitched and all my favourites and creations deleted themselves D:

By spyrofan00

Same thing with me, I have been busy on DA and other stuff, and I'm sick today :(

By Herotime

whats your dA?

By akima156

Yeah your the bomb! oops i shouldnt say that. i mean awesome!

By loveleperd

hugs alchemilla ahem kahuro or what ever

By dragoneye98

I am long gone as u can tell... I'm on YouTube so I'm busy.

By emmagail

I will never un-subscribe to you! You're awesome!

By Lizardcreatures

I use my mom's computer for spore and my computer for the other stuff xD

By Lizardcreatures

That's okay. I'm still subscribed to you. =)

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