Cupcake Snack for my 70 Subs!!
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07/26/2012 - 16:28:34

Type: House building
Rating: 0.13 (Not rated)
Tags: excalibur


Here's a Cupcake Snack for my 70 subs! I've only been on Spore since June, so I think it's AWSHUM that I have this many subs! Don't light the candle on top. IT'S NOT A CANDLE! It's where his brain is!!!!!! :D


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By 13Jabberwock31

What a yummy looking Cupcake Snack, EXCALlBUR!!! The detailing is excellent! I'm getting so hungry just looking at him! Rated ?! Lo?!?

By 13Jabberwock31

You sure can have a kangaroo as a pet over here. ^-^

By 13Jabberwock31

My next door neighbours used to have a baby kangaroo as a pet once. We call a baby kangaroo a Joey, here. He was such a dear little fellow! They took him out to a bigger property when he got bigger. :D

By 13Jabberwock31

We don't have pets where I live now. These days I have a virtual pet on my computer. She's a long haired tabby kitten and I call her Fluffy. I got her from foopets.com and I feed her every morning and afternoon. ????

By inkyspode24

Too bad I'm leaving spore for a while. I'm doing a SECRET thing in my life that NOBODY can know!

By inkyspode24

It seems to em you are online because your responding to my comments :D

By inkyspode24

GA is the best, I did AWSOME adventures ! Just say GA and when it's more than one say GA's!

By inkyspode24

You don't have Galactic Adventures D:

By inkyspode24

After all your the best creatore!

By inkyspode24

70 Subs D: You deserve more!

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