cranky old guy

By sefmonsta
05/26/2012 - 04:36:29

Type: Captain
Rating: 3.65 (Good)
Tags: angry, elderly, grumpy, sefmonsta


Wadda ya wanna bug me with now?


DNA points
49 Bones2 Feet2 Hands
Diet: Herbivore
Health: +5
20 %
83.42 %
9 / 20
3 / 20
0 / 15
1 / 51 / 50 / 5
1 / 50 / 50 / 5
4 / 52 / 50 / 5
3 / 50 / 5

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By ClaudiusMaximus5

Yes old man. I would like to annoy the crap out of you right now! :)

By cmb2kool

Funny Great Creation, you are really talented

By TheLightbulb

Thanks for the advice! I'll put it to great use, since you've given me some really great ideas! Also feel free to check out the finished adventure when it comes out! The only thing I'm not making from scratch for it is the dirt under the captain's feet.

By CloudyVision

Any news of those underlings or the dictator? If you've made them, they aren't appearing on you page...

By Hilight

Thank you for your kind comment. Nicely done man here

By TheLightbulb

I also would like to know any other tips you might have for making my adventure horrifying(in a good meaning of the word)! I do hope you don't mind answering such questions, for any advice would help make my series the ultimate scare for Halloween!

By TheLightbulb

Also, I plan on making realistic, on-the-spot gore effects. Not stilled effects as if they'd happened, but in such a way the player can see them as they occur, and in instant and cruel detail. Any tips, or some advice would really help!

By TheLightbulb

What types of music would you say keep people on the edge the most? What do you think could turn pitch-black darkness from empty void into a person's most horrifying fear?

By TheLightbulb

What types of creatures scare people, what do they look like, and what are some of their most scary features/what makes them scary? I wish to know what would terrorize a grown man so strongly, it makes him soil his seat before ejecting himself out of it.

By TheLightbulb

Some of the main things that come into my mind that I'd love to ask, are what are all the scenarios/events/occurances/what-might-happen to scare you? What do you know scares others?

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