By James0004/08/2012 - 13:12:48
Type: SpaceshipRating: -1 (Not rated)
By CloudyVision And as for the Sportage: It has too many curves. There just aren't parts to make such curves.
By CloudyVision I don't see why you're so surprised it didn't have any acts; many of the best adventures I've played or made don't have any goals.
By CloudyVision Asmeria doesn't have any acts because it's a map; there aren't any goals to complete you just walk around and read texts and look at the scenery until you get bored.
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By CloudyVision
And as for the Sportage: It has too many curves. There just aren't parts to make such curves.
By CloudyVision
I don't see why you're so surprised it didn't have any acts; many of the best adventures I've played or made don't have any goals.
By CloudyVision
Asmeria doesn't have any acts because it's a map; there aren't any goals to complete you just walk around and read texts and look at the scenery until you get bored.