Ezasan Courier
Not rated

By Xenopologist
03/25/2012 - 13:36:33

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.02 (Not rated)
Tags: set:ezasan, xenopologist


Mass-produced from whatever materials happen to be in abundance at the time of construction, courier vessels carry shipments of goods between star systems. Since the Ezasan have yet to develop faster-than-light travel, they can often take years to arrive.


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By mmaks2008

realy good ship I like the side windows the paint scheme works fairly well with the design

By Hilight

Nicely done ship. Always good to hear from you Xenopologist

By Mantis12180

I have a question regarding your review thread on the Sporum (that I previously was on).

By BrokenEyeReborn

Also. . . its been a while since I nagged you about that template (whoa, meta-nagging)

By BrokenEyeReborn

Well I certainly hope wood wasn't the material that happened to be in abundance. That could end in disaster. Or, god forbid, glass

By 13chris1399

Xenopologist, could you assist me? I'm working on a series of adventure call the Clastine* Project, and I was hoping you could assist me in its' production. You'll get full credit, and, together we may possibly create the best thing since Bauder's Gate.

By TheShipBuilder

You should enter my contest ya?


You've several great ships!

By DagronIrys

The shape fits the concept and story very well. Great job. R+

By Southstreet

Amazing. The colors and blocky shape make it feel very industrious. R+

By Snoodmaster77

This has that sorta "primitive" space ship quality. Great job pulling that off and making a pretty dern cool ship.

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