Water Isle Town
Not rated

By Neongirl713
02/21/2012 - 20:47:48

Type: Template adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: notes: all dragons without homes will 'live' in the hotels; tribal people have thier own space; and i can design speical homes if wanted/needed


Dragons have invented basic needs and farther beyond that. They live a luxerous life (Or double life) here. Ask and I can add your dragon and Design a home for him/her and even add a friend!
I made 2 homes and the hotels as well as Trbial Hangout.



By kungfuprincess12

Can I PLEASE have MY dragons (not dragon, draGONS) live in Water Isle Town? I mean, ALL of my Drakh from "Rise of the Drakh" (not the Nargons).


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