Not rated

By ShadowRaptor1O1
01/15/2012 - 03:57:18

Type: City Hall building
Rating: 0.54 (Not rated)
Tags: blaze, minecraft, nether, shadowraptor101


You know, those gaurdians that sound like Darth Vader from Minecraft? Yep! XD


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By BrokenEyeReborn

No, they don't sound like Darth Vader. They sound like Darth Vader if somebody replaced his lungs with two rocks scraping against each other.

By XxicemarinexX

if you want to get um clo- i mean be friend with this mob get the mobtalker mod!

By Gooberter

I might be cool to hide chimneys inside the creation so it actually smokes, if thats possible.

By cardiackid

How did you get it to float?

By karl913

Good job. I like this. Favorite thing in minecraft: modding, getting mods, and playing mods. Lol.

By bearfane

ive found a spawner the neather fortress was MASSIVE HUGE

By captconan

I have rich veins of Iron Ore running through this cave I turned into my private mine....

By captconan

I can't wait to test out my new IRON SWORD on some blaze @$$ when I finally find out how to get to the nether....

By Ti-bjorn


By Popsoff1

Nice Blaze, ignore the troll Betterthanyou. (You make a lot better creations than him....)

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