Snow Man
Not rated

By tomographics
12/24/2011 - 07:34:04

Type: House building
Rating: 0 (Not rated)


Merry Christmas!


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I'm not back, I never left. Take a look at sporistics if you don't believe me and why do you care if I'm on or not or when I'm on? Very strange.


pretty snowman. :D I did see your creation yesterday on the MPN. I was on Spore. What's your problem? Lots of peeps were on Spore yesterday.

By Beaker73

Cute snowman! It's a little late for me to wish you a merry Christmas, but I hope you're having a great new year!


Merry Christmas, I love this happy snowman

By 95screenname13

Merry late Christmas! R+

By QueenBeth

A most happy and prosperous 2012 to you! Also, Happy Birthday! When is it?

By judithiscariot

Good Heavens! I didn't rate this! ... there, done. We're hangin' in. Feels good to be creating and talking to my Spore buds again. I've really missed it. Back for good this time, I hope. Hope you had a great birthday and holiday! And many more, too!

By judithiscariot

Happy Birthday, Tomo! Is it today? Well, you better get your presents before the Snow Man (he's so charming!) melts all over them. Hope you eat and drink all your favorites (with impunity). R++ ;D


This creation is very cool!

By Ritafeet

Merry Christmas/happy New Year buddy! :D

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