Solizar Lenzerre
Not rated


By noname117
12/23/2011 - 20:03:04

Type: Colonial air vehicle
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: dh106, foreverpiping, noname117, picwar, sealandaircontest, targeria


A Targerian VTOL aircraft built in 1987, the Lenzerrre (len-zer-rae) was designed to operate from Targerias carriers, even their smaller ones, and act as both a fighter and attacker. It's top speed is 1025 mph, and it can carry a heavy payload.


By Gluma2

Have you already tried the French tanks? :D

By GodisCrying

Nice :D Great colors and very well made

By EchoSierraAlpha

Very, very nice!

By _Cepholapoid_

Very cool fighter. Like the design and color. R

By DH106

Seems like the love child of a Harrier and a Jaguar... The parts are all there; added to the Contest! R+.


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