Proyekt 914, Kulya

By Lintuperhonen
11/29/2011 - 19:36:57

Type: Colonial water vehicle
Rating: 5 (Good)
Tags: dh106, foreverpiping, sealandaircontest


The proyekt 914, Kulya (bullet) was designed by USSS in the 1970s. Its requirements called for a cruise speed of 40 ktn, a sprint speed of 60 ktn and an armament of 7 27" TTs carrying hypercavitating 500 ktn nuclear tipped (150 kT) torpedoes. (cont.)...


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By Homer-dude2

Looks very stealthy.I like the design R+!

By _Cepholapoid_

Soory, not a mini sub, It looked like one from spore.com, anyway, great detail.

By _Cepholapoid_

Very cool mini-sub. Like the hydro-dynamic design, R+

By foreverpiping

Very detailed description in notes! sleek design..r+

By DH106

The conformity with the rules has been verified - added to the Contest. R+.

By DH106

Ah, a submarine... Added to the Contest and R+.

By Lintuperhonen

Length: 110 m, width: 20m at fintips, displacement: 8000 t empty, 10 000 tons dived, crew: 40 (thanks to comprehensive automation), powerplant: 2 20 MW RPLPB liquid-lead reactors, speed: 60 ktn max.

By Lintuperhonen

These subs also posses a titanium alloy hull (with a little bit rhodium) which allow them to operationally dive to 800m depths. They're also very agile, allowing for loops at full speeds.

By Lintuperhonen

While the submarines are relatively noicy, very dangerous for their crews, unflexible and temperamentic, they pack a massive punch and allow for quick interception of enemy naval groups at safe ranges from friendly coast.

By Lintuperhonen

The torpedoes light up their motors in the tubes. That's why they have complex ducting from the torpedo tubes, which lead the flames to the sea.

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