New Mascot!
Not rated


By funcrazycritters
11/11/2011 - 22:18:19

Type: Spaceship
Rating: -0.02 (Not rated)


Shes an octopus! she has a specal marking that looks like an infinite sign. I couldnt think of a good name for her so if you have a suggestion of what to name her please comment it on here. also she is very silly sometimes.


By xavier1496

haz u gotten to try my new GA yet?

By xavier1496

haz u gotten to try my new GA yet?

By xavier1496

You may now try my adventure. it is mostly dialogue with an easy fight in act 7.

By xavier1496

my adventure is coming along very nicely, it'll be a lot of dialogue but l8ter it'll be more action. this adventure is 8 acts long.

By xavier1496

i put in a windwaker related prop in my second GA adventure in the sries, guess right then win medal, or play through adventure and find out for urself, up to you.

By xavier1496

maybe, but im tire of cell stage and i blowm through the civilization stage to easily.

By KittyCatty2

What about just "Octopus"?

By xavier1496

oh yayz ur on. i am so bored rightnow. other than working on a GA, i am bored.


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