half- dead xenomorph
Not rated

By northozeenonyx
10/23/2011 - 10:52:37

Type: Creature
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: acid, blood, chestburster, cont: alien in half). xenomorph, damage, drag, facehugger, game, guts, marine, powerfull, queen, trail, warrior


you can't tell a book from it's cover. these things are from avp gold edition, and blimey, are they powerfull! at first, they seem to be dead, but then they lunge at you. also, they start like this, not as regular warriors( can be formed when predator cut-


DNA points
27 Bones2 Feet0 Hands
Diet: Carnivore
Health: +3
59 %
56 %
7 / 20
12 / 20
3 / 15
1 / 53 / 50 / 5
2 / 53 / 52 / 5
4 / 51 / 51 / 5
0 / 55 / 5

By rreeuubbeenn

I LOVE THIS CREATOIN this is the best u have ever made well thats what i say other guys dont really like it

By KaDargo95

The four survivors of Alien Resurrection latter appeared in the novel Aliens:Original Sin.

By KaDargo95

None of the Genetic Drones Survived. Distephano was with them but was killed by the Newborn, then Ripley 8 killed the Newborn.

By KaDargo95

2. Yes the Auriga Crashed (into South Africa). 3. No, Ripley 8, Annalee Call, Johner, and Vriess escaped the Auriga in the smuggler's ship (the Betty), they survived.

By KaDargo95

1. All the Xenomorph in Alien Resurrection were Genetic DRones (what you called swimmers or Smooth Headed Warriors).

By hcohatlan

they never give up even when they are THIS INJURED.marine campaign sucks and its too hard.Predator and aliens are way better :D

By Alloclaw

Dang so this means Xenos can survive being cut in half?


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