Not rated

By Maaax
08/22/2011 - 16:44:35

Type: Explore adventure
Rating: 0.03 (Not rated)


-See three creatures, coming from a dimension where Maxis forgot to make a complexity meter. Three different styles WAY over the complexity!-



By brokenthumb95

Multiple blue gates disguised as creature parts?

By ChaseOddessey

wow real creative R+

By Wargamer79

How did u do that

By GalladeXD

Sweet mother of Arceus....

By DivineDarkEvil

ahh okay I see how you made those creatures! very clever idea! only thing is, how did you prevent the different parts from glitching into eachother when you froze them? thats the problem I keep having XP

By DivineDarkEvil

O_O; how is that possible?! they must have been made using the complexity mod before patch 3 was replaced!

By Verious

Epic screenshot!


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