Table of Calling
Not rated

By DarkestBazillion
08/11/2011 - 18:05:18

Type: House building
Rating: 0.01 (Not rated)
Tags: apparition, ball, bell, call, detailed, divination, furnishings, furniture, gaprop, ghost, magic, music, paranormal, prop, spectre, sphere, spirit, summon, summoning, table, victorian


If you are here, ring the bell three times!! Valdemar Chateau set sporecast if you want spooky props...


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By Homer-dude2

Are you still around or did you run out of ideas for cozy sets and props? :)

By brgregory4


By dbtracerbullet

Hmmmm...what if I rang it four times.....DINDINGDINGDING (Justin Bieber appears) Ah, I knew I was going to Hell...

By Bakagain

Holy crap! how did you do the thing with the tablet? that's amazing! R

By Armitus

Les détails sont super-impressionnants!

By tylermark

Contest!!! Sharing soon!!!

By kibakit

I love this stuff! It would be cool if you could make a walk-in building that I can show off art in!

By Clixe

wonderful how you made the bending of the table-cloth and great props on the table, the cristall ball is fabulous

By Msthang

Wonderful table and I really like how you made the bottom details, excellent! R+

By Andeavor

Is this thing on...?

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