GFRS_Deicide Reverse
Not rated

By MinaMongoose
08/06/2011 - 07:26:46

Type: Military land vehicle
Rating: -0.72 (Not rated)
Tags: absolution, deicide reverse, gfrs, made by minamongoose, minamongoose


The Deicide Reverse is a horrifyingly advanced ship. Faster than the likes of most and incredible handling. You wouldn't believe its existence unless you saw it yourself. There is only one in existence, and it belongs to the being known as Absolution.


By Ragnakalou

:O I can has epic vehicle? Aaaaaany who, cool vehicle, love the paint contrasts. Hey, could you check out Unknown, Primeval, Descent? Please...? I worked hard on 'em all, while listening to Monster Hunter music. Speaking of which... *Kushala Daora theme*


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