2011 BMW 328

By 95screenname13
07/20/2011 - 03:28:46
Type: Economic land vehicle
Rating: 3.53 (Good)
Tags: 95screenname13
Requested by Didzo. I think I'm really starting to get the hang of these Beamers!
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By Jaden244
You should make an Audi Quattro 2011 model. Pleeeeaase?
By mikey262
Nice car. I love how realistic the front looks. (Question: Is it possible to put one a old sprecast back on the front pageof the sporecasts without having to make it all over again?)
By Dirtymeat
thanks man..oh i have 27891 and 200 in cue.
By mteunisse
I took it apart in the editor to see how you made it.. very complex buildingstyle. But very effective
By mteunisse
Pbudgie asked me to ask you to look at my cars for your sporecast. But i don't see the point for that, when looking at this great work. Very impresive!
By IsiOlio
Fine car you have created. I really like you car creations.
By DH106
I have just disassembled this car a bit in the editor and am impressed at the work You put in there. It is definitely worth the while, this car is near perfect.
By DH106
I do see You are buried in requests up to Your neck, but if You feel like building something classic, what about a BMW E30 sedan?
By DH106
They sure are nice cars :) I must take a major browse through Your cars tomorrow; You seem to do a stellar job on them. R+ and buddied.
By 94aron1
Hey, I'd like to request another car since I figured the 2004 Malibu Maxx was discontinued, but that's okay, especially I cannot make this car myself >.l please: 1949 Huson Commodore Sedan (Hardtop) with that nice dark shade of torqoise green. :D
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