CSC Phaeton
Not rated

By Xenopologist
07/14/2011 - 01:12:48

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: creative space company, csc, xenopologist


Freighter/support ship for the CSC fleet.

[PNG is dreadful on this one; check it out in the editor for all shiny paints and light effects where they were meant to be.]


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By BrokenEyeReborn

I wish I could see the shiny. Its a tragic irony. I got a computer with the best graphics card avaliavle, but its so good that Spore doesn't recognise it, so I can't reap the benifits

By Zaneas

Great ship! The blue and grey colors work very well together. I think it fits the bill of a freighter very nicely!

By Agaxii

Nice! I love the glass tunnel between the two main bodies! Nice job on the crates too!

By Thaiylia

Nice looking freighter, might want to play with scaling to give this style ship a more massive feel, such as making the engines smaller and stretching the hull.

By 2006gogo

Hah! Darn downraters R+! Ok thats cool. I get back on uesday... I'll just have to remember. can u send me a reminder on wed, or is that too much to ask?

By Justin4848

How is the rating so low? This is the stuff I aspire to build.

By Arbitran

LOL, at first I thought this was a gun!!! Great design!

By Beastmaster7700

they're now downrating you to? Does all good talent have to be dispised?

By pwurman

Oh, I got your PM, I just forgot to respond. ;)

By pwurman

But that wouldn't be very fair to all the people who didn't get in with creations like this before :|

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