By EllipsisMotors
06/28/2011 - 03:41:50
Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.04 (Not rated)
Tags: cherrybomb68, ellipsismotors, ellpsis, elolli, freedom, sccontest, supercar, v10
Part of the new 2012 Ellipsis lineup. The new V10 Solaris GT is priced at $135,000 and has a top speed of 188mph. The black on the hood as well as the windows have micro solar panels inbedded in them to collect solar energy. It uses this added energy for the controls all internal devices as well as a computer that helps conserve fuel. The car also has multiple settings such as Standard, Sport, Race and Eco modes. The Eco mode actually limits the amount of engine used to help conserve fuel as well as give comfortable ride in any sort of daily situation. While not considered a hybrid, it rivals many other non-performance cars for MPGs in this mode. Don't like a quiet(ish) engine? Switch it back to standard or any other mode to get the normal supercar experience.---Created by EllipsisMotors---

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By 96david1968kn
Can you make Shelby Ultimate aero ssc 2 please?
By 96david1968kn
Thats extreme Cool!!!!!!!
By _Cepholapoid_
Insane car!! Love the design. R+
By Mudwort
That's cool :D
By sefmonsta
This is like a childhood-dream car- truly amazing design work! I want one.
By 95screenname13
The other edit is adding more style to the end of the lane --like maybe pictures of bowling pins? Not quite sure yet. Last edit I would do is adding a few more games to the arcade.. It just feels a little empty the more I look at it. :P
By 95screenname13
Thanks for looking at my GA! In the future I'm going to make a few edits.. For some reason, I made two boy restrooms, so I should make a girl's restroom instead.. :P
By 95screenname13
I'm starting to gravitate towards making more cars of my own design - it goes by a lot quicker than trying to re-create a real car.. I can make a free style car in 1 to 2 hours.
By 95screenname13
Can't wait to see more cars of your own design.. I keep staring at the back of this one --definitely my favorite as well.
By delayedreaction
That is incredibly well crafted. It's starting to get difficult trying to keep up with you buddy :) :DR^^
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