TMC- TOTAL change!
No puntuado

Por Socksarepurple
20/06/2011 - 10:29:10

Tipo: Aventura de exploración
Puntuación: 0.34 (No puntuado)
Tags: apprentice, clan, fun, gift for socksarepurple, pack, socksarepurple, the midnight clan, tmc, training, warrior, yayz


TOTALLY modified by my friend, Crystalwolf. Thanks Wolfie! A more natural look to TMC, what it will most likely look like from now on! Of course, the flame effects won't be there, but for now enjoy, Feedback?

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Por 13Jabberwock31

Crystalwolf sure did a fantastic job of detailing the landscape, Socks!!! =D

Por 13Jabberwock31

The cave and the waterfall lake are awesome! Love the forest, too! Rated ?! Lo?!?

Por punkfromlimbo

YAY! I wonder where my den iz! YAYZ!(wow first time i've said yayz in a while) YAYZ

Por ThowraIvy

I got to Maine two days ago and now I have internet :D! I have a friend here that ive had scince I was 2!

Por Icarus8484

Looks like I'm gonna have to get GA. I really need to play some adventures.

Por ThowraIvy

Man. I'm going to have to see it when I get to Maine (I;m moving there).

Por Oligodendrocyte

Wow, you changed it again? I will play this now if my Spore has downloaded it already, or later if it hasn't.

Por Alchemilla1

Yay thankyou :D

Por Alchemilla1

It looks great, especially the forest!

Por Jimby713

It's still the same layout, just a LOT more detail.

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