By sErgEantaEgis
06/11/2011 - 14:32:59
Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: assault, awesome, coilgun, electromagnetic, futuristic, gaprop, gauss, gun, high-tech, kinetic, railgun, rifle, sci-fi, science-fiction, sergeantaegis, war, warfare, weapon
Developped by Yoon-Raï Technologies, a Yunan company, the Grindell G-54 is one of the most high-tech and powerful weapon system available on the market. The Grindell use magnetic coils to accelerate at Mach 3 tiny (2 millimeters) pellets of tungsten and depleted uranium. The small size of the ammo allows for transport of thousands of them, and as such, ammo is a non-issue in all but the longest military campains where resupplying is impossible. The high-energy consumtion of the magnetic coils require, however, that the battery be changed after around 1000 shots fired, so soldiers carrying the Grindell usually also carry 3 or 4 spare batteries, so that when one battery is being drained by the gun the other batteries are being recharged by their suit.
By Ecko0IXth
Super bien ça !
By vincentartiflet
tu es le bienvenue dans mon sporecast "wars-club" si tu veux !