Dream about lane
Not rated

By Ansje
05/28/2011 - 17:30:49
Type: House building
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: "ienickcontest", "imagincontest", ansje, fence, gaprop, ienickcontest, imagincontest
Made for the "Think a lot" dream/nightmare contest of NickB95. Entry for the cute building category, see Sporum for more contest details.
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By mattopiatropolis
Wonderful work! looking fowards to more!
By warwolf47
You and my other friends -will always be welcome - a glad to have you.
By Ansje
About this creation: it can be turned, the backside has other windows and doors, so you can make a little street this way.
By darwinken
BTW - Very nice entry for the imagine contest.
By darwinken
I had a lot of fun with it too. It was also nice to finally make something again.
By darwinken
Thanks for the comment on Robby. I am so glad you enjoyed the challenge.
By WideWonder
Ansje, please try my latest Experimental GA: I've ALMOST got those horses pulling things properly!!
By WideWonder
Hello, my dear, a quick question. It's about the comment you left with warwolf re> making a carriage and a creature into gates. Can gates MOVE??
By NickB95
Awesome! Great entry!