Bird Nerd Fact 8
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By Flotsum
05/14/2011 - 14:25:44
Type: Spaceship
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Tags: bird, bird nerd, fact, feather, flotsum, true, wing
People used to think birds weren't smart because when looking at a bird's brain the main parts we use for thinking are relitively undeveloped however a few years later it was discovered that birds mainly use a different part of thier brains for thinking
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Birds have large brains when compared to their overall size.
By ailurophile
OOHOHOHOHOH!!!! Fostum!!! My sis is getting her own spore account! I will tell u her name when i find out!
By Oligodendrocyte
Oh, and cool fact!
By Oligodendrocyte
I have to leave now, bye. I enjoyed sharing my knowledge with another who likes our feathered friends (an awesome alliteration), and hearing about other types of birds from them. See ya!
By Oligodendrocyte
One of them, named Indigo, saw a friend of mine and I as we walked by his flight. (a type of large cage) He started to caw and cluck, so we went closer, and he began to dance, bobbing back and forth and jumping around. It was quite funny, and I got a video
By Oligodendrocyte
I have had the rare opportunity to see some living H. Macaws in a privately-owned aviary. They are now becoming endangered, and the aviary has five resident H. Mac's alongside hundreds of other parrots.
By Oligodendrocyte
Interesting. I'll have to check it out sometime. The bobbing you described reminds me of that of a Hyacinth Macaw, a big favorite amongst the public.
By Oligodendrocyte
Turacos, specifically the Great Blue Turaco, are some of my favorites. It has a unique pigment called "turacoverde" that gives its underbelly and the underside of its wings a green-yellow tint. It also looks like it's wearing lipstick. xD
By Oligodendrocyte
I don't know too much about the waved albatross, either, but I do know that albatrosses are similar to turacos!
By Oligodendrocyte
I would like to go there too, more due to the fact of the archipelago's endemic turtles! They have some of them at the zoo here, but I would like to see them in the wild.
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