By stark10105/11/2011 - 19:55:16
Type: SpaceshipRating: -1 (Not rated)
By kitty2373 And ther's ur gift! ^_^
By kitty2373 Btw, to make a gift, all u havta do is this: 1.Make a random creature. 2.Tittle it ~Gift to (the person's username here)~ 3.In the description, say something like: I think ur awesome; here's a gift! 4.Tell the person.
By kitty2373 >gigglel Thx.... l:)
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By kitty2373
And ther's ur gift! ^_^
By kitty2373
Btw, to make a gift, all u havta do is this: 1.Make a random creature. 2.Tittle it ~Gift to (the person's username here)~ 3.In the description, say something like: I think ur awesome; here's a gift! 4.Tell the person.
By kitty2373
>gigglel Thx.... l:)