Refurbished Subway Car
Not rated


By Dark_Heroics
05/07/2011 - 03:17:25

Type: House building
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: dark_heroics, graffiti, japan, london, mind the gap, new york, rail, stank, subway, train, transit, underground


This subway car has been fixed up to serve as a First Person's dwelling.


By FinalBreath

Awseom Subway cart! I love it

By x_darkhero_x

Grafitti, 'nuf said. (lol)

By x_darkhero_x

Though, you don't have to take time away from preparing for Garbage 2 if you don't want too. Politeness FTW

By x_darkhero_x

I'm not good at making buildings, in all honesty. So, if you wouldn't mind making some modern city structures such as monuments, factories, skyscrapers, and maybe even a few realistic vehicles it would definitely be appreciated!

By x_darkhero_x

You can also do practically anything you want in the City that the game allows you to do. If I can get this done right it could be a huge breakthrough in Spore history.

By x_darkhero_x

I have a project I plan on working on. A Free Roam City for GA. I was wondering if you might be able to help me. It's supposed to have an economics system so you can buy your house through doing jobs and earning money.

By Timewaster



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