Drumhead Kachina
Not rated

By Dark_Heroics
05/04/2011 - 22:55:02

Type: House building
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: gaprop, garbage, kachina, sethan777, x_darkhero_x


Are you craving the sweet stench of Garbage? Can't wait for Dark_Heroics to haul his lazy bottom to spore and finish it? X_darkhero_x has released an official sub-adventure, set immediately after the theft of the God Killer log, as seen from the eyes of Fixup, a member of the Drumheads. Check it out now at: http://www.spore.com/sporepedia#qry=usr-x_darkhero_x|500547094147%3Asast-500738865994


By Dylan525

Get off your Hiney!!!!

By Dylan525


By IsakExplorer

Great "statue"!

By x_darkhero_x

The Creation itself looks very good by the way. Aren't Kachinas like a doll of some sort? Asian perhaps?

By x_darkhero_x

You guys could probably expect us to be working on the series together, and don't worry if you want part 3 right after Heroics finishes part 2. I can work fast on the next sub-adventure, and Heroics already knows it, took a couple days to complete it.


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