Trash Pile Graffiti
Not rated

By Dark_Heroics
05/04/2011 - 14:51:40

Type: Spaceship
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Tags: art, dark_heroics, grafitti, logo, sign, spart


Towers of filth...


By FinalBreath

Awesome! Amazing!

By mattopiatropolis

Woah! Can't wait for the adventure!

By x_darkhero_x

Let's try to do the sections one at a time. Then put them all in a Sporecast, that sounds like a good idea yes?

By x_darkhero_x

Henry is to me as Bob the Dancing Robot is to you. That being said I plan for him to be a reccuring easter egg.

By x_darkhero_x

(Did you find Henry the Cyborg?)

By x_darkhero_x

Thanks, I really did overlook that one bit with the text from the shrine. I'll try to avoid letting that happen in another one if you're going to let me.

By x_darkhero_x

Get ready. I'm about to publish it!


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