Vote For Cruise Line
Not rated


By Dark_Heroics
04/04/2011 - 14:37:28

Type: Entertainment building
Rating: 0.8 (Not rated)
Tags: still wait...


Cruise Line is up for nominations at the Sposcars for Best Adventure! If you're one of the 501 who soiled their undergarments via terror while playing, vote now at http://forum.spore.com/jforum/posts/list/70618.page

(That's right Parkaboy, TWO ads)


By hiigee

i vote upp

By Cavanon

Can I still vote for this? Cruise Line is definitely the best!

By mrton

Thanks bro but you're better! Yoo!

By Apollo9898

u might want to update these, the player count is 501 now.

By Nathontue

It didn't really scare me that much, but it was VERY well made. If you ever need a humanoid for a GA just ask me.


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